MesaSQLite Current Version

The current version of MesaSQLite is 4.3.5

Thank you for all the feedback
Version 4.3.5 Release Date 5/11/2018

  • Change: MesaSQLite is now compiled as a 64 bit app.

Version 4.2.3 Release Date 4/21/2014

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the content screen where Mesa would fail to duplicate a record in a table that had multiple primary keys and the first field in the table was an integer field.

Version 4.0.8 Release Date: 6/25/2013

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the horizontal scrolling of the content screen.

Version 4.0.6 Release Date: 3/15/2013

  • Fix: Opens encrypted databases more reliably.
  • Fix: Fixed an error where clicking on the duplicate button on the content screen when no record was selected would crash the app.
  • Fix: Fixed an error where a non-defined primary key field which was part of a multiple key clause would be set to null as if it were a primary key – autoincrment field. The result would be a failed insert.

Version 3.3.5 Release Date: 11/2/2012

  • Fix: Fixed a bug that crashed the app when running a special query on the special query screen when there was no prior query history loaded from preferences.

Version 3.3.4 Release Date: 7/28/2012

  • Change: Some changes under the hood to prepare for a major upcoming release.

Version 3.2.6 Release Date: 1/30/2012

  • Change: Implemented a far superior CSV parser for importing records from comma delimited files.
  • Fix: Fixed an error where using the delete key to delete records in the content screen would falsely raise an error message that the records were not deleted even though they were.

Version 3.2.3 Release Date: 1/13/2012

  • Add: Added horizontal scroll wheel functionality in the content screen listbox.
  • Add: Added sql .dump fuction to the File menu.
  • Add: Added the ORDER BY function for content screen searches.
  • Add: Added a button press indicator when clicking the header of a column in the content screen in order to sort by it.
  • Add: Added a percent progress indicator to the progresswheel for rows being returned on larger searches.
  • Change: Changed the appearance of the NUL character on the content screen.
  • Fix: Rows returned was not always returning a value on the content screen searches.

Version 3.2.1 Release Date: 11/28/2011

  • Fix: Fixes an error that allowed records to be deleted from a table in the content screen even when the action was cancelled.

Version 3.0.9 Release Date: 2/18/2011

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the export script. The export button confirming whether to include field names and whether to escape special characters was inactive.

Version 3.0.8 Release Date: 2/18/2011

  • Fix: Fixes a drawing error in the content screen when Mesa opens to the content screen and the database has views.
  • Fix: Fixes an error change field definition script (ALTER TABLE) and in the renaming of a table where an autocommit database action would show an error on commit even though there was no error.

Version 3.0.7 Release Date: 2/9/2011

  • Change: Changes the location of your preferences file. It is now stored in Home:Library:Application Support:com.desertsandsoftware.mesasqlite
  • New: Clicking on the Dock Icon when no windows exist will open a new window.
  • Fix: Fixes an error in the reorder columns in a table by drag-reordering columns in the GUI when running Mesa in AutoCommit mode.

Version 3.0.6 Release Date: 2/3/2011

  • Change: Added a checkbox in the content screen for retrieving a limited number of rows. You can now include the search parameters in the limited result or leave them out.
  • Change: Changed the appearance theme of the scrollbars.
  • Change: The clipboard button on the content screen now has a dual function. If cells are highlighted by clicking and dragging, the clipboard button copies them to the clipboard as tab-delmited data. If not cell are selected, the clipboard button copies the current query to the clipboard.

Version 3.0.4 Release Date: 2/1/2011

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the structure tab that occurred when selecting the TIMESTAMP data type for a new column in the table.
  • New: Adds a helptag to the database selection popup in the toolbar to show the full file path to the database file when not connected over a server.
  • New: Implements Explicit Transactions allowing you to run Mesa with autocommit turned off.
  • New: Added tabs to the custom query screen to allow work on multiple queries at the same time.
  • New: Navigation key strokes have been added in the Content listbox. Up arrow moves your record selection up one record. Down arrow moves it down one record. Option Up Arrow moves it to the first record. Option Down Arrow to the last record.
  • New: Adds a single record viewer / editor.
  • New: Content Listbox attributes: textfont, textsize, row height are now preference settings.
  • New: Implements an environment for building triggers.

Version 2.2.2 Release Date: 11/1/2009

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the content screen when you edit a cell from one record then click on another record. The editcell highlight would show even thought the editcell was closed.
  • Fix: Fixes a couple errord in the drop REALBasic database creation code menuitem.

Version 2.2.0 Release Date: 10/13/2009

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the content screen when you: copy or cut a cell from one record, paste it into another record, click back on the original record, then delete that record. Two records could be deleted in that sequence.

Version 2.1.8

  • Change:Optimizes recordset returns in the content screen. Results can return up to 20 faster than previous versions.

Version 2.1.6

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the add field function on the structure tab.

Version 2.1.5

  • Fix: Fixes some user interface element issues.

version 2.1.4

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the structure screen where you could add a column to a table when no table was specified or even if no table existed in the database. Fix: Now handles the error returned when a column in a table is a reserved word. Change: Improves the notification when you drop a REALBasic code file for Create Database.(File->Export REALBASic Create db code)

Version 2.1.3

  • Fix: Fixes an error in duplicate table when including the content. Insert was called twice and threw a “Primary Key must be unique” error.
  • Fix: Dropping a table did not remove it from the popup list on the content screen.

Verson 2.1.2

  • Fix: Fixes an error when duplicating a table in the structure screen with the “include table content checkbox” checked.

Version 2.1.1

  • Fix: Fixes an error when adding a timestamp field to a table in the structure screen.

Version 2.1.0

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the duplicate table button on the structure screen.

Version 2.0.9

  • Fix: Fixes an error that could occur using edit -> clear when no editfield has the focus.

Version 2.0.8 Relase Date: 5/8/2009

  • Fix: Fixes a mistake in the Limit portion of the query when limiting rows but not loading most recent records
  • Fix: Fixes an error where the Load Most Recent Rows preference setting was not retained in the preferences window.
  • Fix: Fixes an error on the delete record button of the content screen when used after rendering a new row with the return or enter keys and not selecting a row to delete.

Version 2.0.7 Relase Date: 5/6/2009

  • Fix: Fixes a bug that wrote the reloaded data for an edited record on top of another record. It did not actually overwrite the data, but showed it as a duplicate record in the interface.

Version 2.0.6 Relase Date: Cinco de Maio 2009

  • New: Adds a Load Last REcords preference for content screen when limiting rows returns from the table.
  • Fix: Structure Screen: Checking AUTOINCREMENT without checking PRIMARY KEY would throw an error and prevent the alter table command from succeeding. The PRIMARY KEY syntax is now inferred.

Version 2.0.4 Relase Date: 3/30/2009

  • Fix: fixes an error on a reload created in 2.0.3. sorry.

Version 2.0.3 Relase Date: 3/26/2009

  • Change: An edit to a record in the content screen now only reloads the record and not the whole table.
  • Fix: Fixed a nuisance but where the mouse down event in a popup selection fell thru to the window and rendered a row prematurely in the structure tab.

Version 2.0.2 Relase Date: 3/18/2009

  • Fix: Fixed a bug in the data viewer window when double clicking on a data cell. The window was not correctly showing data after it had shown a nul character prior.
  • Fix: Now catch unsupportedformat exception for shell paths associated with recent items. Some users have reported a fatal error when shell paths fail to be evaluated.
  • New: Added an undo function to the custom query text box.
  • New: Dragging a column header to make the column wider causes the window width to grow if you drag to the edge of the listbox.
  • Fix: Cleaned up wrapped text from the last row in the content listbox.
  • Change: Changed the protocol under which the rowid is presented in the table data in the content tab.
  • Fix: Fixed an error where numeric columns were not being right justified.
  • Fix: Fixed a drag reorder issue in the structure screen where fields were being dragged inadvertently. Fix: Corrected an issue where commas were being removed from data in tab and semicolon-seperated import files.

Version 2.0.0 Relase Date: 3/10/2009

  • Fix: Changing the name of a table now accepts special characters in the name including spaces.
  • Fix: Found a missing COMMIT TRANSACTION statement in the ‘changefielddef’ function for changing the attributes of a column in the structure tab.
  • Add: Added the ability to change the delimiter for a text file on the Import CSV function.
  • Add: Added the query time and display time for queries.
  • Add: Allow semicolon to be used as a field delimiter in import files.
  • Change: Set the drawing protocol for text in the content listbox to use the “compressed” algorithm.
  • Change: Rewrote the table structure listbox as a proprietary canvas listbox due to some misbehavior in painting selected cells.
  • Add: Added keyboard shortcut for adding a column in the structure tab.
  • New: Column structure for a table can be done entirely with the keyboard.
  • New: Animated buttons to show the mousedown event.
  • Fix: Added code to deal with table structure changes such as happens in the background when columns are reordered in the table structure. New code deals with recovering the original table when the table change fails.
  • New: Enabled the reversion row in the columns table of the structure screen.
  • Change: Null values in recordsets are now shown with the null symbol, not with the word “null”.
  • Add: Added the ability to specify the record delimiter when importing a text file full of records. Added the semicolon.
  • New: Added query time and display time to query environments.
  • New: Colorized a row in edit in the content screen and the column table on the structure screen.

Version 1.9.9 Relase Date: 3/5/2009

  • Fix: Improved the handling of Tables, Columns, Indexes using reserved words and special characters including spaces in their names.
  • New: Added the ability to run a series of commands in the special query window by separating them with semicolons.
  • New: Refresh views button is added.
  • Change: Use inline editing for column types Blob and Text when the the data in the cell is not as wide as the cell (content screen).

Version 1.9.8 Relase Date: 2/26/2009

  • Change: Threads are rewritten using a cooperative model.
  • Fix: Clicking the requery button on the lower left of the content screen when no sitting “last query”exists no longer throws an error.
  • Fix: Dropping a field or reordering fields in the structure screen is now tolerant of tables containing fields with no descriptions in their Create table syntax.

Version 1.9.7 Relase Date: 2/23/2009

  • Change: This version temporarily invokes a limit on the toolbar, forcing the app to run in Autocomplete mode until I get explicit transactions 100% solid.
  • New: You can now set the text size in the custom query text field in preferences.
  • Change: Mesa now clears the content screen whenever you make a structure change to your database. Thus eliminating errors on data edits in the content screen.
  • Change: Menu item “File -> New Database” now opens a new window instead of populating the current front window.

Version 1.9.5 Relase Date: 2/19/2009

  • Fix: All preemptimve threads have been rewritten. Some Leopard users were experiencing crashes.
  • New: Mesa now will create and properly display table structures with multiple primary keys
  • Change: Many minor User Interface improvements.

Version 1.8.9 Relase Date: 1/28/2009

  • Fix: Return key and Enter key now render a new column on the structure tab when adding a column to a table. An error occured when creating a new row then reordering it even when the return key or enter key is hit after the row is created.

Version 1.8.3 Relase Date: 11/7/2008

  • Change: Made the sql areas on the VIEWS tab and Custom Query tab larger.
  • Add: Added text sizing capability on the sql areas on the VIEWS tab and custom query tab.
  • Add: Added a Window menu.
  • Change: Changed the window titles by removing the prefix “Database:” to simplify the appearance of the new Window menu.
  • Change: Returned recordsets now show null values as “null”

Version 1.8.1 Relase Date: 11/3/2008

  • New: Adds a VIEWS screen for create, drop, duplicate VIEW.
  • New: Adds a Save as View button to the Table content Screen.
  • New: Added styled text in SQL text environments.

Version 1.7.8 Relase Date: 11/1/2008

  • Fix: Improves the stability of the structure screen when adding columns to tables. Prevents combinations of attributes that will fail.
  • Add: Adds a function to change the capitalization of a table name. For example changing master to Master. This is not permitted by SQLite but is now permitted by Mesa.
  • Fix: Add column button is now disabled until a current add column function is completed so clicking to add multiple columns in a row is now safer.

Version 1.7.7 Relase Date: 10/30/2008

  • Fix: Fixes an error in the add column function on the structure tab where time and date fields were being given the autoincrement attribute and this was corrupting the table.

Version 1.7.6 Relase Date: 10/13/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • This version improves the Drop Create Database Code for REALBasic users. When building an app that runs on a local db, rather than ship the db, I build the db in Mesa, drop the Create Database Code and paste it into the app which checks for the presence of the database locally each time it launches. If the db is not present, the create db code runs and we have the database file locally.

Version 1.7.4 Relase Date: 10/03/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • Change: Tables for a database are now loaded in alpha order every time.

Version 1.7.2 Relase Date: 9/27/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • Fix: Fixed an error when deleting a column from a table in the structure screen. An error window was being thrown even when there was no error.
    Fix: Changing a table name made the table unviewable.

Version 1.6.4 Relase Date: 1/25/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • Fix: Fixed the drawing code for the content listbox which could require as much as 3 seconds to render the listbox when very large strings existed in the recordset. Drawing is back down to 1/30 of a second.

Version 1.6.8 Relase Date: 3/15/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • Fix: Fixed the multi-paramter search string on the content screen.

Version 1.6.4 Relase Date: 1/25/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • Fix: Fixed the drawing code for the content listbox which could require as much as 3 seconds to render the listbox when very large strings existed in the recordset. Drawing is back down to 1/30 of a second.

Version 1.6.3 Relase Date: 1/9/2008

  • Note: This version should be run in autocommit mode. Explicit instructions need some work.
  • Fix: Rewrote all the main threads to run well on Intel and Leopard.
  • Fix: Corrected the escape methods in the search function on the content screen.

Version 1.6.0 Relase Date: 1/3/2008

  • New: Added support for table names and column names with spaces
  • Fix: Added error checking for threads on the content, special query, and structure screens.

Version 1.5.6 Relase Date: 12/24/2007

  • Change: Improved the functionality of the Open Recent menu item.
  • Fix: Fixed a fatal error in the content tab that was introduced in 1.5.0 with the implementation of the preemptive threads.

Version 1.5.3 Relase Date: 12/19/2007

  • Change: UPdate the SQL library to 3.4.2.
  • Change: Add dedicated threads to the structure tab functions: Add field, Edit field, Drop field, Add Index.

Version 1.5.0 Relase Date: 10/23/2007

  • Change: Changed the threading model for database queries coming out of the content screen and the special query screen. The queries no longer block the user interface.

Version 1.4.8 Relase Date: 10/10/2007

  • Change: Changed the way foreign keys are named so they can be sorted in the Foreign Keys listbox on the Foreign Keys tab.
  • Change: Allows multiple selections for delete in the Foreign Keys listbox.
  • Fix: Fixed Command-click on an already selected row in the content listbox.

Version 1.4.7

  • Fix: Fixes a bug introduced in 1.4.6 that causes “Open Database” menu item to fail when AutoCommit is off.
  • Fix: Improved the parsing of sql in the CREATE TABLE syntax when it has a lot of white space when showing a table structure in the structure tab.
  • Fix: Improved the parsing of field names in the indexes view in the structure tab.
  • Fix: Fixed the floating “AutoCommit On” label when resizing the window
  • Fix: Fixed the error that could occur when double clicking on a trigger in the Foreign Key tab.

Version: 1.4.6 Release Date: 9/29/2007

  • New: Implements Explicit Transactions
  • New: Each connection can be set to autommit on or off
  • New: “Open files as automcommit” is now in the preferences window as a default
  • New: A toolbar has been added to manage automcommit
  • New: Any functions that invoke an insert, update, or delete operation on the database, when autocommit is set to “off”, will begin an explicit transaction and will be reflected as such in the toolbar
  • New: Foreign Keys are now able to be creating using SQLite Triggers.
  • Change: The Relationships tab has been deprecated and replaced with the Foreign Keys tab. Relationship metadata can still be created and viewed in the content listbox, if the relationships table already exists.
  • New: An “Open Recent” menu item has been added
  • Change: A preferences setting has been added to prevent the file browser window from opening on every window.
  • Change: Handling of apple events such as double clicking and drag and drop to open databases has been improved
  • Change: The filebrowser sheet window has been enhanced.
  • New: a refresh tables button has been added to the content tab

Version: 1.3.6 Release Date: 9/5/2007

  • Change: Changed the way MesaSQLite sets column width on a varchar field. It now sets the length on a varchar field less than or equal to 64 characters in length.
  • Fix: Some minor UI cosmetic changes
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented the name of a field from being changed when it was the only field in the table (structure screen)

Version: 1.3.4 Release Date: 8/2/2007

  • Change: You can now drop records as well db structure when using the “Drop Realbasic Create Database” menu command.
  • Fix: Fixed the field drop downs in the “Add Relationship” drawer window.
  • Change: Added file extensions: .sqlite,.rsd,.db for drag and drop functionality for opening a database with MesaSQLite.
  • Fix: Added control-W functionality to the preferences window and the main window.
  • Change: Changed the default tab choices to “Content”, “Custom Query”, “Structure” and “Relationships” instead of “1:”,”2″,”3″,”4″.
  • Change: Removed the resizable feature from the preferences window.

Version: 1.3.3 Release Date: 7/29/2007

  • Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented you from changing the default value of a field in the structure screen.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug in the load table schema script which shows the table list for a db in the structure screen. sqlite_sequence would show twice. Added a commit statement to update the database to its file upon adding a new table.

Version: 1.3.2 Release Date: 7/25/2007

  • Change: Minor GUI enhancements.

Version: 1.3.0 Release Date: 7/2/2007

  • Change: Added precise error feedback for structure changes to a table. specifically: renaming a field and reordering fields.

Version: 1.2.9 Release Date: 6/24/2007

  • Fix: Handled an error where the progresswheel could be left running upon opening a database.
  • Add: Added the menu item: Close Database.

Version: 1.2.8 Release Date: 6/19/2007

  • Fix: Fixed the multiparam search in the content screen where using “contains” did not properly return matching records
  • Change: Added a function to reset column widths after a recordset is returned in the content screen.